ChecklistDownload File

1. General

  • □ This paper has not been published previously nor is being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • □ The Copyright Form has been signed.
  • □ The page is less than 12 pages long and has two-column layout.
  • □ A Cover letter is included with the manuscript?(including the title, authors, affiliation of all authors, identifier of the corresponding author, and provides contact information for the corresponding author)

2. Title page and Abstract

  • □ Is the title no more than 12 words?
  • □ An abstract range is provided between 150 and 200 words.
  • □ Fewer than 4 keywords.
  • □ In the submitted manuscript, the name of authors, their affiliation, and acknowledge are exclude.

3. Manuscript Format

  • □ Abbreviations are tagged in parenthesis when they initially used.
  • □ All heading of same level is appeared in the same format.
  • □ The paragraph numbers are written in Roman number(I, II, III, IV, …) and subheading numbers are written in Arabic numeral(,1,2,3, …).
  • □ Greek letters and all but the most common mathematical symbols are identified on the manuscript.
  • □ All references are in the correct format indicated in the submission regulations.
  • □ Figures and Tables are numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals.
  • □ For all Figures and Tables, the first letter of the very first word is capitalized,.
  • □ All Figures and Tables are mentioned in the text and numbered in the order in which they are mentioned.
  • □ Manuscript has been spell-checked and grammar-checked in English.