List of Articles

Journal of Multimedia Information System. Vol. 8, No. 4, 2021

Section A
Interpolation based Single-path Sub-pixel Convolution for Super-Resolution Multi-Scale Networks
J Multimed Inf Syst 2021;8(4):203-210.
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SMD Detection and Classification Using YOLO Network Based on Robust Data Preprocessing and Augmentation Techniques
J Multimed Inf Syst 2021;8(4):211-220.
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Hindi Correspondence of Bengali Nominal Suffixes
J Multimed Inf Syst 2021;8(4):221-232.
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Multi-biomarkers-Base Alzheimer’s Disease Classification
J Multimed Inf Syst 2021;8(4):233-242.
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Design and Implementation of Procedural Self-Instructional Contents and Application on Smart Glasses
J Multimed Inf Syst 2021;8(4):243-250.
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Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based COVID-19 Detection using X-ray Images
J Multimed Inf Syst 2021;8(4):251-258.
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Section B
Empirical Risk Assessment in Major Graphical Design Software Systems
J Multimed Inf Syst 2021;8(4):259-266.
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Section C
Impacts of Corporate Network Building and Strategic Learning for Environmental Management on Business Performance
J Multimed Inf Syst 2021;8(4):267-276.
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Section D
3D Filmmaking for User-Selective UHD Stereoscopic Media System: A Case Study on the Film The Old, the New and the Other
J Multimed Inf Syst 2021;8(4):277-284.
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Domestic Production Process of Early Korean Broadcast CG Equipment
J Multimed Inf Syst 2021;8(4):285-294.
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Analysis of Intermediary Roles and Technical Components for Smartglass-Assisted Interactive Remote Collaboration
J Multimed Inf Syst 2021;8(4):295-300.
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A Study on Contributor to Sports Development Big Data Research Using Oral Records
J Multimed Inf Syst 2021;8(4):301-308.
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